Barely out of high school, when I opened my studio with my graduation money. Teaching has always been a passion. I love being in the classroom working with my kids. Running a successful dance studio was the vehicle to deliver my quality classes, instill the values of hardwork and practice, affect the lives of so many children and create lifelong memories.  

Over the past 40 years, I have grown my studio to four successful locations. I’ve created The DanCEO so  you DON”T have to make the mistakes I did. The DanCEO is my vehicle to help struggling studio owners with everything from increasing their revenue, to branding, to culture and more.


To say it was an easy journey to get to where I am today, it would be a lie, even laughable. I spent countless hours doing everything myself because, of course, no one could execute it the way I wanted it done. I missed birthdays, graduations, family and friends get togethers just trying to keep up with my growing business. I did the financial end of the business, the marketing and advertising planning, design and scheduling, the choreography, the lesson plans, recital planning, new program planning, developed my competition program and all the scheduling of rehearsals and entries that go with that, the hiring, the firing…Well you get the picture. All the while I kept telling myself I’m fine this is what owning a business is all about...right? NO!  NO! And NO! What I was doing was working in my business instead of working on my business. I realized after my second studio location, I needed to figure this out and fast. I started to put systems in place and hired people I knew could execute them. I developed a team that believed in my mission as a business owner. I learned how to be a better leader and as a result I got my life back. With four locations, I have a team in place that even if  I go on vacation everything runs smoothly as if I am there. 


I could have just continued to run my four studios and enjoy the freedom of business ownership. I could have done this but... I decided that I have more to give. There are so many young dance studio CEOs that are struggling with student retention, attracting new students, creating additional revenue, advertising, marketing - well, basically the business end of the dance business. I know you are superstar teachers! But managing a team of teachers, checking lesson plans and delegating doesn't come easy. I wanted to share what I have learned along my 40 year path to make it easy for studio owners to get to where I am now -IMMEDIATELY! Who wants to take a decade to learn something you can implement in a short time and start living the life you’ve always imagined. Imagine never missing another birthday or family event or free time to enjoy the way you want to - these are #goals.