Download our FREE eBook 

26 Proven Ways To INCREASE 


In Your Studio

Believe. Pursue. Become.

Knowing how to market your business is always evolving but here are
26 Proven Ways To INCREASE Enrollment In Your Studio
They are easy to follow and implement and are sure to bring in new students.
Try one or all 26!

Sometimes it is hard to figure out what marketing plan is the best to follow. Don’t waste another minute trying to figure out what marketing is best for your dance studio - we did that for you!

We’ve already done the work and have chosen only our best producers.

Creative ideas for “stuck in a rut” marketing routine.

See the latest techniques on your marketing your business

Owning your own business has its challenges.

Most dance studio owners don’t realize they are not just in the dance business but they are in the marketing business.

Without marketing you can’t bring in new customers and without new customers you can’t continue your mission of having the BEST dance classes.

So knowing how, when and where to market your business is essential to your success as a studio owner.


I have a passion for people and business. I love spending time with my family at the beach, playing cards and having championship “Trouble” ( the board game) matches! Yes you heard me right we play “Trouble” and try to win like our life depended on it.

I believe there are no mistakes just learning experiences and I have had lots of learning experiences in my life and I am so grateful for every one of them. I’ve grown my dance business from scratch to four highly successful locations. I love that I get to work with wonderful families and be a part of their memories each year.

I went from doing everything and getting burnt out to developing systems and processes, studio culture and community, student attraction and retention techniques that my team uses daily. Teaching has always been a part of who I am. I love it!

I want to share what I have learned to make the lives of entrepreneurs easier and stop the burn out.

Does this sound Familiar?

  • “UGH I have enough on my plate.” Most studio owners are so busy teaching, choreographing, hiring staff, training staff, doing paper work,developing new classes and launching them that marketing just gets pushed to the bottom of the list. 
  • You throw an ad together really quick and you're done.
  • You fall into a rut of doing the same types of advertising regardless if it works or just works a little.

Marketing is the one thing that will drive your business forward and create more revenue.

It needs to be at the top of your list.

That’s why I have created this E-book. I have simplified the very BEST ways to market your business and get results.

Once you start implementing these ideas you will increase traffic to your studio and as a result you will register more students.

Knowing how to market your business is always evolving but here are
26 Proven Ways To INCREASE Enrollment In Your Studio
They are easy to follow and implement and are sure to bring in new students. 
Try one or all 26!